Friday, June 21, 2024

Teton Pass interim detour may open next week

Wyoming State Highway 22, Teton Pass remains closed as crews continue work on the interim detour for the Big Fill landslide at milepost 12.8. The Wyoming Department of Transportation and contractors have also begun work on drainage improvements for the mudslide at milepost 15.

Officials hope to have the detour paved and the detour opened to traffic by the end of next week. More updates on what day that will take place will be available next week.

The new detour will feature a paved roadway with two 12-foot lanes, one in each direction. The detour will also have concrete barriers protecting motorists from any hazards. The detour has been constructed on the interior of the curve, away from the unstable slide area. The detour will create a slightly sharper curve and steeper grade. WYDOT plans to reduce the speed through the area to accommodate the grade and increased curvature. What speed and restrictions that will be in place when the detour opens will be available next week. There will be advanced signage warning drivers of the reduced speed and any other applicable restrictions.

Beginning today, June 21, the Wyoming Department of Transportation and contractors will be hauling crushed base and asphalt to the detour site. Crews are asking all bicycle traffic to utilize the pathway or the Old Pass Road on the east side to access the area for recreation and refrain from cycling on the road throughout the weekend. The safety of cyclists and recreational users is paramount during this time, as there will be more construction traffic on Teton Pass during this time.

More permanent reconstruction plans are underway. WYDOT engineers are working internally with their geologists, environmental services and planning and design departments to develop long term reconstruction options.

Update on the mudslide at milepost 15:

Crews have already begun work on a project to improve drainage at milepost 15, the location of the recent mudslide that initially closed WYO 22, Teton Pass. The Wyoming Transportation Commission recently awarded the $880,600 emergency bid to Avail Valley Construction LLC during a special meeting.

Based out of Victor, Idaho, Avail Valley will construct a box culvert at the slide area. The culvert will help improve drainage. WYDOT and crews from Avail have already begun mobilizing for the work. This work was originally scheduled for completion around the same time as the temporary detour, but to provide more flexibility in the schedule, the work may carry on after the temporary detour at milepost 12.8 is opened. However, WYDOT and Avail Valley are committed to conducting the work under two-way traffic, so as not to impact travel on Teton Pass.

In the meantime, commuters are still being asked to detour around, using US 26 through Swan Valley and then into the Snake River Canyon.


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