Monday, March 2, 2020

Yellowstone commemorates 25 years since wolf reintroduction; Join wildlife biologists on Facebook Live each Tuesday in March!

Yellowstone National Park wildlife biologists will broadcast on Facebook Live each Tuesday at 11 a.m. MST in March to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the return of wolves to the ecosystem. Speakers will conclude each session by answering questions.

“In November 1994 when I first arrived in Yellowstone, I remember looking around and wondering what this place would be like when wolves returned,” said Senior Wildlife Biologist Doug Smith. “Now, 25 years later, having chronicled much of the reintroduction, our team has learned that wolves make the park a different, better, and more natural ecosystem. We also know that much is still to be understood. Commemorate with us this March as we share 25 years of knowledge and experience gained about the restoration of the ecological role of wolves in Yellowstone.”

Facebook Live details:

March 3: Senior Wildlife Biologist Doug Smith will recap the significant events that led to the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone.

March 10: Wildlife Biologist Dan Stahler and Wildlife Research Associate Kira Cassidy will highlight scientific discoveries learned over the last 25 years.

March 17: Retired Wolf Interpreter Rick McIntyre and Senior Wildlife Biologist Doug Smith will tell stories from the field about how wolves have impacted the visitor experience.

March 24: Wildlife Research Associate Kira Cassidy and Wildlife Biologist Dan Stahler will talk about the global impact of reintroduction.

March 31: Senior Wildlife Biologist Doug Smith will look to the future and discuss the relationship between wolves and people.

You can learn more about wolves here.


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