Thursday, April 30, 2020

Updates to COVID-19-related closures and suspensions in Montana

People looking to get outside and enjoy spring will continue to have ample opportunities with Gov. Steve Bullock's phased approach to reopening the state, which was announced April 22.

Most of Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ sites typically open and operational at this time of year remain so. This includes all FWP fishing access sites, most state parks and those wildlife management areas that don’t have seasonal closures.

People heading outside still need to keep in mind Montana’s social distancing directives. Per Gov. Bullock’s “Reopening the Big Sky” plan, all who recreate outdoors should “avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people in circumstances that do not readily allow for appropriate physical distancing.” They are further asked to “exercise frequent sanitation protocols if public facilities are open” and continue to follow all previously established hygiene measures. For more information on Gov. Bullock’s plan, please visit

The following some of the FWP updates in response to Gov. Bullock’s plan:

* Overnight camping opportunities will resume at most FWP fishing access sites and state parks on May 1.

* Campers between May 1-15 may encounter reduced amenities or limited services that are typical for the opening of early-season recreational sites. Please check the FWP website for specific site restrictions or closures.

* Group sites, including fishing piers, will open May 1.

* At all sites, as in other aspects of life, social distancing guidelines must be strictly followed.

* Visitor centers, park offices and FWP lobbies are still closed to the public at this time.

* Out-of-state travelers are still required to follow the governor’s 14-day quarantine directive when they come to Montana, as they carry the risk of spreading COVID-19 to Montana residents. Guidance for those directives can be found at The directives include the requirements that those in quarantine cannot leave for groceries, recreation, work or any other activity.

As the governor’s plan progresses through its three phases, FWP will announce further updates. For more information on FWP’s response to COVID-19, please visit


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