Friday, February 14, 2025

Glacier National Park’s Fire Management Plan Environmental Assessment available for public input

Glacier National Park is seeking public comment on an environmental assessment (EA) for the park’s proposed Fire Management Plan (FMP). The EA is available for public review and comment until March 12 online at

The proposed plan outlines how park staff manage wildfire, prescribed fire, and non-fire fuel treatments; protect the public and park communities; and protect park values, including natural and cultural resources and infrastructure. Specific strategies and tactics would be selected depending on the location and defined incident protection and resource objectives. The park would use prescribed fire and non-fire fuels treatments to accomplish objectives such as reducing fuel accumulation and maintaining desired conditions. The proposed plan would replace the park’s current plan, last updated in 2003.

Glacier National Park initiated public scoping for the FMP EA in February of 2024. The EA evaluates impacts to air quality, vegetation and soils, wildlife, federally listed species, cultural resources, recommended wilderness, and natural soundscapes.

Submit your comments:

Online:, or

By mail to Superintendent, Glacier National Park, Attn: FMP 2024 EA, P.O. Box 128, West Glacier, Montana, 59936.


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